Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Jumping on the bandwagon

Like most of the world, I entered 2011 drunk, surrounded by my lovely friends and still burdened with the hint of a food baby conceived at Christmas Dinner. And, like most of the world, I spent the first day of the shiny new year under a duvet, cursing Jaeger and vowing the be a better person. So, just so i've made an official record of them, here are my new years resolutions...

1. Seriously stop biting my nails.
2. Learn to do the splits. I really need a better party trick than rapping to 'Baby Got Back'.
3. Find out what happens to Harry Potter in the end. I think I might be the only person that doesn't know.
4. Be tidier - hair and bedroom included.
5. Write important dates in my diary, not on the back of Nandos receipts.
6. Save enough money to go to Thailand with one of my best friends in June.
7. Work up the courage to go bungee jumping.
8. Be good at ice skating.
9. Be good at uni.