Thursday, 25 March 2010

Losing the blog-ginity

So basically, I've recently started a Journalism course at uni. Well OK, not that recently. Six months ago to be exact. But my grasp of recent is pretty loose. To me, 'the other day' could be anything from today to 5 years ago. Also, I've well and truly conformed to the student stererotype and spent the last six months in one of three states:

i) Inebriated.
ii) Sleeping off effects of said inebriation.
iii) In a pro-plus enduced frenzy, desparately cramming some last minute revision.

Anyway, now I'm home for Easter, and i've decided to try my hand at this blogging malarky. I promise I will try and take my time out of my busy napping and super-noodle consuming schedule (god, i am such a cliche of a student) to update it with tales of my shenanigans, pondering the big issues in life (such as why do you never see baby pigeons? seriously.) and other things taking up my brain space.

I guess this isn't the best day to start a blog. I've done pretty much nothing. Well, that's a lie, i thought about going for a run, which is basically the same as going for one. It didn't really happen though, the con's outweighed the pro's in the end, the con's being it is raining and i don't want to go and i run like a twat, the pro's being...hmm. I've been surgically attatched to the laptop for the last few days trying to get me some work experience, which is about as easy as cracking the davinci code. I've written a few fashion articles that I'm hoping to send to a few magazines in the next few weeks. Yes, I am a member of the growing would-be Suzy Menkes army, but I can't help it. I just really want to be a fashion journalist. Ick. Hello shameless self promotion.

I had a bit of a mid-teen crisis, for want of a less cheesy phrase, this week. Had a major freak out about my course, and whether I was going to end up where I want to be at the end of it. I've never been unsure about what I want to do or how i'm going to do it before, so the fact that in two years time i'm going to be thrown into a highly competitive industry at the oh-so deep end scared me a bit. A lot. So I started looking at a few other options, mainly speech therapy. My best friends reactions were not that reassuring, namely "hahahaha Erin, you couldn't be a speech therapist, you're way too mean". Beautiful. But psychology has always been my back up, and speech therapy looked right up my street. But after a LOT of to'ing and fro'ing, frantic googling and chats with the muvs, I decided I was being a douche, and I needed to stop worrying about whether I'll get a job or not and just enjoy my course. I've wanted to be a journalist for as long as I can remember, theres no point in backing out just because I don't have guaranteed access to the bottom rung of the career ladder when i graduate. Who does? And at least I have speech therapy as a fully fledged plan B.

Anyway, I have lots of pressing matters to attend to.
I think Ricky Lake might be on.

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