Saturday, 6 November 2010

I haven't blogged since the eurovision song contest.

But I am still alive, still well and still not getting the whole 'Twilight' thing.
I'll admit that most of June was frittered away watching re-runs of Come Dine With Me, but I've actually had a pretty busy few months.

1. I went on holiday to Ayia Napa where I learnt that sambuca is really not my friend.
2. I also learned that just because it happened on The Hangover, my dentist friend isn't willing to extract her own tooth in exchange for a pretty questionable chicken burger. Cop out.
3. I jumped off the top of a two storey boat into the sea. Even though I'm scared of heights. And the sea. All to catch a can of stella. Lad.
4. I learnt that my friend thought a kestrel was somebody who plays the guitar. I don't even know how she gets these ideas into her head, because I'm pretty sure nobody will ever have told her this.
5. I found out that McDonalds now do weddings. FINALLY. "Chicken burger, McFlurry and some holy matrimony, please."
6. I applied to be on the Million Pound Drop with my housemate. We've already mentally spent our winnings.
7. I got a job at a summer camp, which was really fun. But I've always thought that facepainting is pretty straightforward. Yeah? Oh, no. I almost reduced a child to tears because of my incredibly sub-par attempt at painting her face like a monster.
8. I made a pledge to myself that I would do more exercise, went for ONE run, got 10 minutes down the road before hobbling home with a massive stitch. Pretty much the next Usain Bolt.
9. I fulfilled one of my lifelong dreams and managed to do the worm. Well, I almost broke my face but the worm definitely happened.
10. I broke the world record for the biggest game of musical bumps at Bestival 2010. Well, not me personally. That would be a very small game.
11. Me and my housemates filled our lounge with 99 red balloons and danced in them like that scene on Scrubs. You know, for a treat.
12. I found out that the dubstep remix of the Pokemon theme tune is a real thing.
13. I relived my childhood at London Science Museum. Seriously, why don't I live there?
14. I found out that my brothers quite the local crim. Getting a taxi home with him from town, our taxi driver starts going on about a house party he had when he was younger where some random boys threw the entire contents of his freezer in the garden and stole his shoes. My brother goes very quiet, before miming to me "Oh my God, that was me." Very awkward taxi ride.
15. I discovered eating a kilo of gummy bears is no big deal.

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